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Finding great leaders for key positions is critical. Great leaders know how to engage staff to want to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. 

But how do you find a great leader for a key position?


Why should YOU work with an executive recruiter?

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For over 20 years, Axis Pacific has been a leader in executive recruitment. We view relationships with clients and candidates as long-term partnerships that often span several years.

Axis Pacific works with each client to identify their specific needs in a candidate, then recruits and presents a highly refined group of uniquely qualified candidates that fit the client's strike zone.

Our involvement continues throughout the interview process:


We then assist with the on-boarding process (uncovering potential problems before they become issues) to ensure a newly hired candidate transitions smoothly and is firmly positioned to achieve success with a client.

| setting up and confirming interview times 

| providing key insight and feedback before and after interviews

| managing salary expectation

| extending the offer 

| overseeing acceptance, resignation and mitigating the counter-offer threat

We perform executive recruitment confidentially, efficiently and with a 93% placement rate of the searches we take on.

Contact us if you're looking to fill a critical position.

We do NOT recruit from client companies.

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